Located between a river and the Norton Sound in Alaska, Shaktoolik is in need of relocation inland, but currently lacks
Teller, Alaska is identified by the US Army Corps of Engineers as one of 31 villages in imminent danger of the effects
In August 2016, the residents of Shishmaref, Alaska voted to relocate further inland from the impacts of climate
A warming world is a creating complex web of environmental, political, and cultural challenges for the Bering Strait
The Arctic Institute Press Release on the United States handing over Arctic Council Chairmanship to Finland at
Engaging new Arctic voices. This is perhaps the purest form of storytelling—simply providing people with a forum to
The president-elect is omnipresent at this year's international climate meeting even though nobody is saying his
From Tangier to Shishmaref, coastal residents have joked with me that Donald Trump shouldn’t build a wall on the
As the Arctic sea ice melts, also high-speed internet routes are poised to connect East and West through the