United States

Russia, the United States, and Churning Arctic Geopolitics

While the Arctic is a zone of cooperation and peace, militarization and the emergence of China as a potential rival

The Arctic Institute Named a Top Think Tank in the U.S. in 2020

The University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program has named a TAI a Top 100 Think Tank in the

Environmental Détente: What can we learn from the Cold War to manage today’s Arctic Tensions and Climate Crisis?

The climate crisis is a global security threat. Science cooperation offers an exemplar to improve relations and

Celebrating our Tenth Anniversary

The Arctic Institute, founded in 2011 as a think tank devoted to multidisciplinary analysis of the Arctic celebrates

Science Cooperation with the Snow Dragon: Can the U.S. and China work together on the Arctic Climate Crisis?

U.S.-China scientific cooperation to tackle climate change in the Arctic is achievable and can have benefits despite

Geopolitical Implications of New Arctic Shipping Lanes

The increasing accessibility of newly open Arctic shipping lanes and ports brings with them troubling geopolitical

TAI Bookshelf Podcast – Arctic Climate Research, Policy-making and Advocacy in the US with Victoria Herrmann

In this week’s TAI Bookshelf Podcast, we talk with Victoria Herrmann about climate change research and teaching in

TAI Bookshelf Podcast – The Arctic Through the Eyes of the US Congress with Lillian Hussong

In this week’s TAI Bookshelf Podcast, we talk with Lillian Hussong about her recent publication on U.S. Arctic

The Intersection of U.S. Military Infrastructure & Alaskan Permafrost Through the 21st Century

Alaskan permafrost projections indicate continued damage to Arctic security infrastructure. Here we offer