Society and Culture

Russia’s Colonial Legacy in the Sakha Heartland

Since the 16th century, Russia has tried to secure a(n ethnically) Russian presence across the Eurasian landmass

Language, Identity, and Statehood: A Brief Insight into the History of the Minoritization of the Komi People

A disucussion of developments in the Soviet Union and Russia that led to the minoritization of the Komi

The Delicate Work still undone in the Church of Sweden’s Reconciliation Process

The Church of Sweden must reckon with the complex and varied history of Sami belief if it is to make progress toward

Colonialism and Reproductive Justice in Arctic Canada: The Neglected Historical and Contemporary Analysis of Genocidal Policies on Arctic Indigeneous Reproductive Rights

Deep connections exist between colonialism in “canada” and the lack of reproductive justice for Arctic Indigenous

Poverty, Well-Being and Climate Change in the Arctic: a Musical Perspective

A musical perspective on the evolution of colonial legacies amid climate change in the

The Arctic Institute Colonialism Series 2022: Introduction

An introduction to The Arctic Institute's Colonialism Series 2022, providing a brief history of colonialism in the

The Arctic Institute’s Infrastructure in the Arctic Series: Conclusion

From military bases to subsea cables, infrastructure is a key mechanism for operations and engagement in the Arctic

Past, Present, and Future Themes of Arctic Infrastructure and Settlements

The article presents a kaleidoscope of topics about human settlements, infrastructure, and associated perceptions of

10 Years of TATW Accomplished: Behind the Scenes of an Arctic Newsletter

To celebrate TATW’s tenth anniversary, this post discusses the development of TATW from its first publication to its