Society and Culture

From the United Nations to the Arctic: Celebrating Indigenous Languages

This article introduces our series on indigenous languages to celebrate the diversity of indigenous languages across

Women in Polar Research: A Brief History

This article explores the history of women in research working in the Arctic/Antarctic, drawing connections to women in

Geo-mapping in the Canadian Arctic

In 2010, Marie-Claude and her daughter Nicole ended up on the same geo-mapping team in Canada’s North. Read a

Is the Future of the European Arctic Socially Sustainable?

The article assesses the gender dimension of social sustainability of the European Arctic. Results show regional

Golden Rule in Arctic Science and Community Partnerships

From Arctic science to community partnerships, the Golden Rule is at the core of training for PhD students at a summer

Vegan at Sea-gan: The Arctic Ocean

Is it possible to maintain a vegan diet during research in the Arctic Ocean? Polar research expeditions are changing,

Women Are America’s Climate Change Champions

The face of climate change champions in America is overwhelmingly female, but local women leaders remain invisible in

An Arctic Imposter’s Journey to Belong

An early career professional challenges feelings of being an imposter. Imposter phenomenon affects minorities

The Gender Gap in Arctic Research Awards and Leadership – Infographic

This infographic shows the gender gap in Arctic research and education institutions and the female underrepresentation