Shipping and Economics

Why the Northern Sea Route is Still of Limited Geo-Economic Importance

The Northern Sea Route is of limited geo-economic relevance, despite its potential importance as an international niche

The Arctic Institute’s reaction to the arrival of the Yong Sheng in Rotterdam

TAI Press Release in response to the arrival of the Yong Sheng in Rotterdam, the first Chinese cargo vessel traveling

The EU as a Shipping Actor in the Arctic – Characteristics, Interests and Perspectives

The European Unions's future role as Arctic shipping actor will most likely focus on technology-related maritime

The Future of Arctic Shipping along the Transpolar Sea Route

The potential of the Transpolar Sea Route has so far been neglected when assessing Arctic shipping. TAI provides the

The Future of Arctic Shipping

Over the next decades the Arctic will transform into a navigable seaway. Yet, the concrete future of Arctic shipping is

Does the EU Need an Arctic Strategy?

At the recent “Geopolitics in the High North” conference, the EU’s need for an Arctic strategy was the main topic

Planned Undersea Fiber-Optic Cable Projects in Arctic as Allegory for Changing Region

In the past few years, at least three companies have outlined plans for projects to lay undersea fiber optic cables

Canada in the Arctic – Arctic Shipping: Routes, Forecasts, and Politics

Canada takes a cautious economic standpoint on the prospects of Arctic shipping (routes) but sovereignty is a major

A Bering Strait Vessel Traffic Service: Critical Infrastructure for an Opening Arctic (Part II)

A vessel traffic service system, like the Norwegian Vardø VTS, is the next logic step in Arctic infrastructure