
Vulnerable Communities: How has the COVID-19 Pandemic affected Indigenous People in the Russian Arctic?

Russian Arctic Indigenous people are vulnerable to COVID-19 and afflicted by the lockdown as well as climate

A Blessing and a Curse: Melting Permafrost in the Russian Arctic

Russia is looking to tap into Arctic natural resources as permafrost melts, the latter presenting challenges for the

Never too late: Russian Hydrocarbon Development in the Arctic

Hydrocarbon development in the Russian Arctic garners more attention as lawmakers draw inspiration from the Norwegian

Oil Spill in Siberia: Are We Prepared for Permafrost Thaw?

The recent oil spill in Siberia raises concerns over preparedness for permafrost thaw. Oil spill prevention should be

The Porto Franco Regime in Canadian and Russian Sea Ports as an Instrument of Socio-Economic Development in the Arctic

The Porto Franco regime can be beneficial as free ports can significantly contribute to the facilitation of Arctic

The Emergence of a Sino-Russian Economic Partnership in the Arctic?

A closer Sino-Russian economic partnership in the Arctic is expected as the overall Sino-Russian partnership is pushed

A Framework for Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic

Sino-Russian relations in the Arctic is a new area of cooperation, however, it develops in the broader bilateral and

Mapping Russia’s Arctic Hydrocarbon Development Scheme

By mapping Russia’s Arctic fossil fuel distribution networks, this article examines Russia’s Arctic hydrocarbon

The Changing Nature of Russia’s Arctic Presence: A Case Study of Pyramiden

Pyramiden was a socialist utopia in the Arctic, until it was abandoned in 1998. Now you can visit it to see the Soviet