On 6 March the United Kingdom and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ‘On the Enhancement of Bilateral
There is a need for a greater differentiation of the various regions within the Arctic region: the Arctic is simply not
Given the relatively low level of activity in the American Arctic, the United States is often considered a reluctant
Why does the EU develop an Arctic policy at supranational level, when there are numerous objections towards it on
Whatever shape the EU-Norway relationship takes in the future, the EU’s influence on Arctic matters cannot be
Plans for the construction of an enclosed ultra-modern city on the New Siberian Island group are taking shape: the
The EUropean capital of Brussels becomes more and more a hotspot to discuss the EU's role in and for the
Comparing the two poles when analyzing political and institutional issues leads to the all-to-common apple-and-pear
Huang Nubo, a Chinese tycoon, put forth his plan to buy 300 km2 of Icelandic land to construct an eco-tourism resort