Politics and Strategy

The European Parliament heading towards icy Arctic waters – again

A joint report by TAI and the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland on the EP’s Arctic resolution on an integrated EU

A 100 years of breaking the ice in Russia’s Arctic capital

Steady, predictable and close engagement with the Russian Arctic has created a territory of dialogue. How did this

Utilizing Local Capacities in the Arctic

How can small-scale local capacities be developed and utilized across Arctic regions when responding to maritime

Prime Minister Trudeau’s first official trip to the Canadian Arctic

What happened when Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially visited the Canadian Arctic for the very first

What the Forthcoming Paris Agreement Rulebook Mean for Arctic Climate Change

By focusing support on developing countries in the Paris Agreement Rulebook, the needs of vulnerable Arctic communities

Russia holds the key to the future of Arctic exceptionalism

Judging by the interests and capabilities of Russia, we can be confident about the future of Arctic

The Arctic: Hot or Not?

Cooperation and conflict are depicting a false dichotomy as conflict in the North is only speculative. But is the

Governing Arctic Change – Global Perspectives

The Arctic is inextricably linked with places far beyond the North, which requires a new paradigm of the Arctic as a

Aus dem geografischen Abseits ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit – Mehr als Eis und Schnee

Der Klimawandel, benötigte Rohstoffe und der Drang der Nationalstaaten, sich Hoheitsrechte zu sichern, prägen unsere