Politics and Strategy

China and its Arctic Trajectories: The Arctic Institute’s China Series 2020

China’s Arctic engagement has increased considerably. The Arctic Institute’s 2020 series analyses China’s Arctic

The EU and its Arctic Spirit: Solving Arctic Climate Change from Home?

To find its true Arctic spirit, the European Union's path towards more Arctic involvement should essentially start

WANTED: A Sustained, Engaged, and Committed American Arctic Nation

The U.S. has the potential to act courageously and cooperatively across the Arctic, but it is up to Congress to support

Rethinking Arctic Governance: Interview with Elana Wilson Rowe

Rethinking Arctic Governance is an interview with Elana Wilson Rowe on governance and power in cross-border cooperation

Greenland’s Arctic Advantage

Greenland has an ‘Arctic advantage’ in the negotiations with Denmark where circumpolar events are used to gain more

The European Union’s Geopolitical Quest for Northern Space

Does the EU follow a geopolitical rationale when building its Arctic policy? How does EUrope define its very own

Non-State Actors in the Arctic: Lessons from the Centennial of the Svalbard Treaty Negotiations

This article explores the role that non-state actors played in the Svalbard negotiations in 1919 and draws lessons for

Who really cares about Greenland?

Our problem is not U.S. President Trump wanting to buy Greenland. Our problem is the artificial hype the tweet caused

The EU’s Arctic Policy: Between Vision and Reality

What is the future of the EU's Arctic Policy? Does the EU have any vision for the future of the Arctic