Politics and Strategy

Sweden’s New Arctic Strategy: Change and Continuity in the Face of Rising Global Uncertainty

This article provides an overview of Sweden's new Arctic strategy of 2020 and highlights the document's main

TAI Bookshelf Podcast – Debunking Arctic Exploration Narratives with Greg Sharp and Christian Drury

In this week’s TAI Bookshelf Podcast, we talk to Gregor Sharp and Christian Drury about how to challenge the

Science Cooperation with the Snow Dragon: Can the U.S. and China work together on the Arctic Climate Crisis?

U.S.-China scientific cooperation to tackle climate change in the Arctic is achievable and can have benefits despite

TAI Bookshelf Podcast – Arctic Identities with Ingrid Medby

In this week’s TAI Bookshelf Podcast, we talk to Dr. Ingrid Medby about building Arctic identities and regional

Permafrost Thaw in the Warming Arctic: Final Remarks

Permafrost thaw is caused by climate change and threatens life in the Arctic and beyond. TAI’s series aims to shed

Arctic Security: Deterrence and Détente in the High North

Norway should adapt and respond to an assertive Russia by leaning more towards deterrence. Arctic security is paramount

Geopolitical Implications of New Arctic Shipping Lanes

The increasing accessibility of newly open Arctic shipping lanes and ports brings with them troubling geopolitical

Arctic Security Environment in Flux: Mitigating Geopolitical Competition through a Military-Security Dialogue

The Arctic security environment is rapidly shifting. A military-security dialogue is vital in order to mitigate

Controversies Around Endangered Indigenous Languages in the Canadian Arctic (Part I)

In Canada, the introduction of the “Indigenous Languages Act” in 2019 reignited discussions on the status of