
Expanding Horizons: The UAE’s Strategic Foray into the Arctic

This article explains the dynamics of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) emerging Arctic strategy and the role of Russia

Thinking of the Arctic Future(s): When some Scientists precariously Promote Deep-Sea Mining

Arctic future are being negotiated and shaped today. Do scientists oversell an unclear Arctic future in deep-sea mining

Svalbard and Geopolitics: A Need for Clarity

Norway has been silent on several geopolitical aspects in its latest Svalbard white paper. This silence has

Exploring Nine Years of US-Russian Rivalry: Has Russia’s 2022-War Made the High North Less Stable?

Exploring the High North security environment post Russia’s Crimea-annexation, the article reveals the impact of High

Tromsø as a “Safe Space”: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity through Arts in the Arctic Gateway

This article provides an empirical examination of how Arctic safe spaces operate in practice and can be created through

Norway, the Kingdom of Denmark and Sweden Should Prioritize Societal Security to Help Saving the Arctic Council

Societal security should be given more attention in the Arctic Council which Norway, Denmark and Sweden chair for the

Svalbard’s Extractive Economy: Past, Present, Future

This report examines extraction on Svalbard, which takes many forms, including mining, hunting, fishing, scientific

The Arctic Council in Transition: Challenges and Perspectives for the new Norwegian Chairship

We discuss the transition of the Arctic Council chairship in May 2023 from Russia to Norway and the challenges of the

Where do we go from here? The Fate of Scientific and Cultural Collaborations for Young People in the Arctic

Norway has reimagined some of its collaborative educational projects with Russia. What does this mean for young