Natural Resources and Energy

How to Develop Inclusive, Sustainable Urban Spaces in the European Arctic and Beyond – Insights from Kiruna

Sustainable development in the European Arctic requires inclusivity, integration of knowledges and reflection on urban

The U.S. Comes in From the Cold with New Climate-Focused Arctic Strategy

The new climate-focused Arctic Strategy puts the U.S. on the path to fulfill its promise as an Arctic nation.

Arctic Winter College 2021: Policy Briefs #2.2 – Marine and Maritime Issues 2

The Arctic Institute is publishing the third policy brief - on marine and maritime issues - from the Arctic Winter

The Old Colonialisms and the New Ones: The Arctic Resource Boom as a New Wave of Settler-Colonialism

Knowledge of Arctic resources has triggered projects aimed at integrating Arctic spaces into national and international

Arctic Winter College 2021: Policy Briefs #2.1 – Marine and Maritime Issues 1

The Arctic Institute is publishing the second policy brief - on marine and maritime issues - from the Arctic Winter

Changing Contours of Arctic Politics and the Prospects for Cooperation between Russia and China

The Sino-Russian Nexus also rises in the Arctic. Cooperation will be shaped by resources, trade and security artifice

Use It or Lose It: Conflicting Land Uses in the Arctic – Infographic

In the Arctic, a multitude of land uses compete for space. Climate change impacts the access to natural resources and

Past, Present, and Future Themes of Arctic Infrastructure and Settlements

The article presents a kaleidoscope of topics about human settlements, infrastructure, and associated perceptions of

Pollution in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Extraction on the Continental Shelf as a Major Contributor

The article overviews the history, dynamics and effects of pollution in the Arctic, generated by hydrocarbon