Law and Governance

A Sea of Conflict? The Growing Obsession with Maritime Space

As we are entering a new era for maritime politics, the potential for conflict over maritime space, not only in the


Form and Function: The Future of the Arctic Council

The Arctic Council is undertaking a process of strategic planning. How can this governance regime adapt its form and

International Politics and Governance in the Arctic – An Introduction

This German-language textbook outlines the history, actors, institutions, and processes of Arctic politics and

GlobalArctic Massive Open Online Course

The GlobalArctic MOOC illustrates the dynamics between global and Arctic change. The course is structured in four weeks

Explaining the Arctic Council Secretariat (ACS): Transmission and Imitation (Part II)

This article discusses sociological institutionalism as a second theory for explaining the creation of the Arctic

Explaining the Arctic Council Secretariat: Norms and Values (Part I)

This article introduces the establishment of the Arctic Council Secretariat as an empirical puzzle, using historical

Cooperation or Confrontation in the Arctic?

Conflict is a prerequisite for confrontation or cooperation to occur. The analysis hints to little confrontation

Crabtacular! Snow Crabs on their March from Svalbard to Brussels

For some years now, Norway and the European Union have exchanged diplomatic ‘pleasantries’ and engaged in a dispute