Law and Governance

Levels of EU Law – Infographic

EU law strongly affects the Arctic, with many of the European Union's legal competences being in policy fields that are

It’s Our Table: Indigenous People Shaping Arctic Policy

Jen Nelson, an indigenous woman from King Cove, Alaska, examines the importance of indigenous people leading discussion

What Works for Wellbeing in Greenland?

This article discusses the ways in which pursuing Greenlandic independence might affect individual

The Changing Nature of Russia’s Arctic Presence: A Case Study of Pyramiden

Pyramiden was a socialist utopia in the Arctic, until it was abandoned in 1998. Now you can visit it to see the Soviet

Rethinking Arctic Governance: Interview with Elana Wilson Rowe

Rethinking Arctic Governance is an interview with Elana Wilson Rowe on governance and power in cross-border cooperation

The European Union’s Geopolitical Quest for Northern Space

Does the EU follow a geopolitical rationale when building its Arctic policy? How does EUrope define its very own

Non-State Actors in the Arctic: Lessons from the Centennial of the Svalbard Treaty Negotiations

This article explores the role that non-state actors played in the Svalbard negotiations in 1919 and draws lessons for

Revisiting the Polar Code: Where Do We Stand?

Two years after the Polar Code’s entry into force, this article assesses steps to remedy gaps in its environmental

Beyond Polar Bears: Biodiversity Loss Threatens Life in the Arctic

Biodiversity loss threatens sustainable development. In order to prevent further biodiversity loss, we need