Denmark and Greenland

Greenland’s Arctic Advantage

Greenland has an ‘Arctic advantage’ in the negotiations with Denmark where circumpolar events are used to gain more

Who really cares about Greenland?

Our problem is not U.S. President Trump wanting to buy Greenland. Our problem is the artificial hype the tweet caused

Language Revitalization, Cultural Stabilization, and Eskaleut Languages

Language revitalization in the Arctic is not a solution to language loss; but part of a systemic approach to cultural

Sustainable Arctic Mining? A Comparative Analysis of Greenland and Nunavut Mining Discourses

The concept of sustainability is often mentioned in Greenland and Nunavut mining debates, but the meaning is not the

Playing the Greenland Card

Playing the Greenland Card could benefit interests in both Nuuk and Copenhagen in their interaction with

Arctic Tourism – More than an Industry?

In Greenland, politicians and businesses are hoping and planning for substantial growth in Arctic

What Kind of Nation State will Greenland be?

How will the prioritization of the Greenlandic, Danish, and English languages put Greenland on very different routes

Arctic Unknowns? The role of non-knowledge in the Kingdom of Denmark’s Arctic policy

This Emerging Scholars' article analyzes the role of non-knowledge in Denmark's Arctic policy and its effects on the

Three Voices, One Delegation: One Step towards More Equal Representation of the Danish Realm

Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands shared the delegations three minutes at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting