Climate and Environment

An Arctic Council In Transition

How will cooperation between the United States and other Arctic States advance after the US hands over AC Chairmanship

Best Practices of Geothermal in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week:

Best Practices of Solar in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week: solar

Best Practices of Biomass in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week: biomass

Best Practices of Wind in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week: wind

Climate Change, Women’s Issues and Inuit Culture

The president of the National Inuit Youth Council Maatalii Okali talks climate change, women's issues and Inuit

The Geographies of Energy Poverty: Where North and South Intersect

An Arctic Climate Fund could help stimulate an energy paradigm shift in the North and tackle the issue of energy

What the Forthcoming Paris Agreement Rulebook Mean for Arctic Climate Change

By focusing support on developing countries in the Paris Agreement Rulebook, the needs of vulnerable Arctic communities

Aus dem geografischen Abseits ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit – Mehr als Eis und Schnee

Der Klimawandel, benötigte Rohstoffe und der Drang der Nationalstaaten, sich Hoheitsrechte zu sichern, prägen unsere