Climate and Environment

The Coast Is Ready for Change—Perhaps Now Is a Better Time Than Any?

Climate change is a concern along the whole of Norway’s coast. However, to undergo the green shift, political will is

Oil Spill in Siberia: Are We Prepared for Permafrost Thaw?

The recent oil spill in Siberia raises concerns over preparedness for permafrost thaw. Oil spill prevention should be

Reducing China’s Black Carbon Emissions: An Arctic Dimension

The article discusses mitigating black carbon emissions in China in the Arctic context and related opportunities for

The EU and its Arctic Spirit: Solving Arctic Climate Change from Home?

To find its true Arctic spirit, the European Union's path towards more Arctic involvement should essentially start

What’s not to Lichen? Infographic

Lichens are essential to Arctic tundra ecosystems, but their decline is problematic for caribou and the people who

The Reach of Arctic Research – Infographic

A summary of the types of research being conducted in the Arctic, its global impact, and where major hubs of Arctic

The Future of Arctic Farming – Infographic

Vegetable production is on the rise in the Arctic, giving hope for a more affordable and sustainable supply of high

Climate Change Migration, Cultures, & Alaska’ Foreboding Ghost Village

To plan for climate change migration, U.S. cities must include support for the cultures damaged in climate change

Climate Change and the Spread of Infectious Diseases in the Arctic – Infographic

Climate change is exacerbating the spread of infectious diseases in the Arctic. Public health solutions require