
U.S. to Open More of the Arctic Ocean to Exploration as Part of 5-Year Drilling Plan

US policymakers are currently outlining plans for the post-2012 development of hydrocarbon exploration in their Arctic

Developing North American Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas: A Comparative Study – Part 2

The development of North American Arctic offshore oil and gas is co-determined by a number of internal factors that

Does the EU Need an Arctic Strategy?

At the recent “Geopolitics in the High North” conference, the EU’s need for an Arctic strategy was the main topic

Developing North American Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas: A Comparative Study – Part 1

North American oil and gas has seen the most rapid changes in terms of opening up for exploratory drillings in coastal

Planned Undersea Fiber-Optic Cable Projects in Arctic as Allegory for Changing Region

In the past few years, at least three companies have outlined plans for projects to lay undersea fiber optic cables

Canada in the Arctic – Arctic Shipping: Routes, Forecasts, and Politics

Canada takes a cautious economic standpoint on the prospects of Arctic shipping (routes) but sovereignty is a major

Canada in the Arctic – Arctic Oil and Gas: Reserves, Activities, and Disputes

Canada shows significant interest in its Arctic oil and gas resources; disputes do not play a big

Arctic Chiefs of Defence Staff Conference: An Opportunity to Formalize Arctic Security

Canadaʼs hosting of the Arctic Chiefs of Defence Staff at Goose Bay is an auspicious occasion in the evolution of 21st

Norway’s Energy Resource Policy and the Future of Bilateral Cooperation in the Barents Sea

The Barents Sea has a significant potential for future petroleum discoveries in the Arctic with a lasting impact on the