
COP21 and the Arctic: What’s at Stake?

What are the challenges of and necessary solutions to mitigate climate change in the Arctic? And what about the damage

Indigenous Involvement in the COP21 Climate Change Talks

A successful COP21 will help Arctic Indigenous Peoples receive the recognition for future climate change

The Arctic Coast Guard Forum: Big Tasks, Small Solutions

With the Arctic Coast Guard Forum being officially established, questions arise on what exactly the forum aspires to

The European Union at the Arctic Circle (Conference) and beyond

Last week, the 3rd Arctic Circle conference took place in Reykjavik, and for the first time European Union officials

German Involvement in the Arctic: Policy Issues and Scientific Research

German policymakers and researchers are becoming more active in Arctic issues and create networks with international

Spreading Oil, Spreading Conflict? Institutions Regulating Arctic Oil and Gas Activities

The most serious potential source of conflict in the Arctic is in relation to transboundary environmental

UK House of Lords Report on ‘Responding to a Changing Arctic’

The House of Lords first report on the Arctic recommends that the UK should appoint an 'Arctic Ambassador' to ensure

The Arctic Melt: Turning Resource Development into Human Development (Part III)

The Arctic Melt is a three-part analysis of the Arctic Human Development Report II: Regional Processes and Global

The Arctic Melt: Turning Resource Development Into Human Development (Part II)

The Arctic Melt is a three-part analysis of the Arctic Human Development Report II: Regional Processes and Global