
Reviewing Stockholm’s Strategy for Sustainable Regional Development in the Arctic

This article provides an evaluation of the Swedish government’s strategy for sustainable regional development in the

Revisiting the Polar Code: Where Do We Stand?

Two years after the Polar Code’s entry into force, this article assesses steps to remedy gaps in its environmental

Digital Arcticism? Exploring Arctic Connotations on Facebook

What happens if a web algorithm searches for the Arctic? Do food conversations reflect digital Arcticism or can

Language Revitalization, Cultural Stabilization, and Eskaleut Languages

Language revitalization in the Arctic is not a solution to language loss; but part of a systemic approach to cultural

From the United Nations to the Arctic: Celebrating Indigenous Languages

This article introduces our series on indigenous languages to celebrate the diversity of indigenous languages across

Sweden’s Arctic Strategy: An Overview

Only little is written on Sweden’s Arctic strategy. This article is a first in a series to explore Sweden’s Arctic

Can International Law Protect the Arctic from Oil Spills?

While treaties establish binding obligations to cooperate in response operations, a gap existis in regulating the

Women in Polar Research: A Brief History

This article explores the history of women in research working in the Arctic/Antarctic, drawing connections to women in

No Race for the Arctic?

This article examines the nexus between the legal regimes for offshore licenses and the rates of industry activity in