
Without Icebreakers, Arctic Infrastructure Won’t Matter

The U.S. must continue investing in icebreaker programs to ensure a sustainable development of the U.S. Arctic.

Enhancing Industrial Development in the Russian Arctic: The Northern Latitudinal Passage

The article discusses the enhancing industrial development process in the Russian Arctic on the case of the Northern

Underneath the Ice: Undersea Cables, the Arctic Circle, and International Security

Undersea cables are important in defense and security matters, but have few international policies or laws governing

Arctic Aspects in Denmark’s New Foreign and Security Policy Strategy

Denmark’s new Foreign and Security policy strategy strengthens Denmark’s Arctic ambitions is aligned with the U.S.

Investigating the Barriers to Building Climate Adaptation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites in Polar Regions

Climate adaptation of polar regions is difficult due to barriers such as lack of awareness of polar heritage and remote

Arctic Islam: the Midnight Sun, the ‘Isha Prayer, and Islamic Law and Practice

Three periods of Islam in the Arctic are medieval exploration, 19th century theology, and contemporary

The Two Arctics: Soviet Environmental Experiences and Socialist Realism in the Far North (Part II)

The second part of this two-part series explores the example of Norilsk in further detail to examine varying Soviet

The Two Arctics: Soviet Environmental Experiences and Socialist Realism in the Far North (Part I)

Comparing Pyramiden and Norilsk offers insights into two Soviet Arctic experiences: idealism and reality; both

Is Belgium the Next Near-Arctic State?

As a near-Arctic state, Belgium needs an Arctic policy linking science diplomacy and cooperation, and streamlining