TAI In The News

Russian: Россия и США в Арктике: можно ли избежать конфликта?

Pavel Devyatkin is interviewed on US-Russia relations in the Arctic, and the economic effects of fading

U.S. Aid To Greenland Looks To Counter Russian, Chinese Influence In Arctic

Victoria Herrmann comments on the impact of USAID funding Greenland education and natural resource

Melting ice in the Arctic is opening up new trade routes

Victoria Herrmann is featured in a video on Arctic sea ice melt and climate

Climate researchers report an unintended side effect of coronavirus as residents remain home

Victoria Herrmann is interviewed on the impacts the COVID19 pandemic might have for climate change

A Conversation with Victoria Herrmann: Activism and Storytelling in a Warming World

Victoria Herrmann is interviewed on her work on climate change activism and storytelling for a climate history

German: Bundesregierung warnt vor Militarisierung der Arktis

Malte Humpert analysiert die Militarisierung der Arktis für das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel (in German on

French: Le Groenland, bijou convoité de la couronne danoise dans l’Arctique

Marc Jacobsen comments on the Danish-Greenlandic relationship in relation to the

Danish: Aflyst klimaekspedition skaber irritation i Grønland

Marc Jacobsen comments on Denmark's and Russia's geostrategic interests in the

Climate change melts 12.5bn tons of ice in Greenland 50 years earlier than predicted

Victoria Herrmann analyzes the impacts of climate change for Greenland's ice and sea level rise