Subscribed The Arctic This Week? Reading Take Five? Guess what, The Arctic Institute is launching it's news app: The
The GlobalArctic MOOC illustrates the dynamics between global and Arctic change. The course is structured in four weeks
What are the prospects of Arctic shipping? This video explains with 8 reasons why Arctic shipping will be limited (and
Everything in Point Hope seems tied to whaling. Yet, melting permafrost and a lack of necessary sea ice is making it
This field guide is an educational tool to properly understand frequently used and misused glacier ice
This field guide is an educational tool to properly understand frequently used and misused sea ice
Climate change impacts are threatening the Native Village of Shaktoolik, but a resilient community move the story
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) launched a new film on challenges of search and rescue operations in
The questions who actually owns and claims the Arctic are found in international law and the United Nations Convention