
Prime Minister Trudeau’s first official trip to the Canadian Arctic

What happened when Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially visited the Canadian Arctic for the very first

The Arctic’s Economic Future is Digital

Digital connectivity has the potential to fully integrate the Arctic and its citizens into the global economy of the

Russia holds the key to the future of Arctic exceptionalism

Judging by the interests and capabilities of Russia, we can be confident about the future of Arctic

The Arctic: Hot or Not?

Cooperation and conflict are depicting a false dichotomy as conflict in the North is only speculative. But is the

The Trump Taboo at COP22

The president-elect is omnipresent at this year's international climate meeting even though nobody is saying his

A Legacy of Science Cooperation for Future Generations: The White House Arctic Science Ministerial

Arctic and non-Arctic representatives met on September 28, 2016 in Washington, DC for the first ever Arctic Science

Build the Wall in Alaska

From Tangier to Shishmaref, coastal residents have joked with me that Donald Trump shouldn’t build a wall on the

From the Mediterranean to the Far North: A Refugees Corridor at the Russian-Norwegian Border

The Arctic’s connectedness with the rest of the world became further apparent in 2015/2016, when southern refugees

Arctic Science, Arctic Classrooms: Takeaways from the Make an Impact Workshop

Participants at the Make an Impact Workshop. Photo: ARCUS Staff As introductions wrapped up, a wave of excitement