While the U.S. has taken some steps to provide adaptation-specific support, real impact still falls
While the Arctic has often been framed as the world’s last energy frontier, Alaska has experienced heated debates
An audio portrait of residents of Togiak, Alaska and the challenges climate change are bringing to a subsistence way of
Scotland is the latest non-Arctic nation to claim it has exceptional interests in the region, with implications for the
Climate change resilience - a challenge for the Skolt Sámi reindeer herders and fishermen of northern
The goal of the Norwegian Svalbard policy is stability and predictability, but this policy is contested - not just by
This article discusses how the 2017 Arctic 100 Expedition failed in providing a new model for stakeholder engagement in
A series of audio portraits of residents living in Shaktoolik, Alaska as they try to protect their village against
In Nome, Alaska, the effects of climate change are bringing both challenges and opportunities to the northern port