Victoria Herrmann

The Alaska Governor’s Proposed Budget Cuts Would Be a Disaster for U.S. Climate Research

Victoria Herrmann comments on the impacts of Alaskan Governor Dunleavy's budget cuts will have throughout the

Climate Change Migration, Cultures, & Alaska’ Foreboding Ghost Village

To plan for climate change migration, U.S. cities must include support for the cultures damaged in climate change

Weathering it together

Victoria Herrmann's talk Designing for the Anthropocene, part of the Architecture and Design Network's Lectures

China’s Reach

Victoria Herrmann reflects BBC Good Morning Scotland on the political effect felt by the Arctic as various powers

Pompeo says melting arctic ice is an opportunity, not a problem

Victoria Herrmann talks with PRI's The World about Secretary of State Pompeo's comments at the Arctic Council

U.S. Seeks Bigger Role In Arctic, Eyeing Competition From China And Russia

Victoria Herrmann discusses U.S., China, and Russia relations in the Arctic region with NPR's Here and

US Climate Skeptics Send Shivers Through Arctic Cooperation

Victoria Herrmann is quoted in The Globe Post on the threats of American Arctic ambivalence on climate

US climate sceptics send shivers through Arctic cooperation

Victoria Herrmann is quoted by France24 about the absence of icebreakers, no Arctic ambassador, and no climate policy

Spanish: El escepticismo de EEUU entorpece la cooperación regional en el Ártico

Victoria Herrmann is quoted by Swissinfo about the Trump Administration's lack of leadership on climate