Marc Jacobsen

Greenland stakes a Course within Defense and Diplomacy

Greenland's new foreign, security, and defense policy strategy stakes a course within Arctic defense and

Norway, the Kingdom of Denmark and Sweden Should Prioritize Societal Security to Help Saving the Arctic Council

Societal security should be given more attention in the Arctic Council which Norway, Denmark and Sweden chair for the

Arctic Aspects in Denmark’s New Foreign and Security Policy Strategy

Denmark’s new Foreign and Security policy strategy strengthens Denmark’s Arctic ambitions is aligned with the U.S.

Greenland’s Arctic Advantage

Greenland has an ‘Arctic advantage’ in the negotiations with Denmark where circumpolar events are used to gain more

French: Le Groenland, bijou convoité de la couronne danoise dans l’Arctique

Marc Jacobsen comments on the Danish-Greenlandic relationship in relation to the

Danish: Aflyst klimaekspedition skaber irritation i Grønland

Marc Jacobsen comments on Denmark's and Russia's geostrategic interests in the

Greenland not for sale: Why The Fuss?

Marc Jacobsen discusses Trump’s cancelled state visit to Denmark following his rejected idea of purchasing

Norwegian: Derfor vil Trump ha Grønland

Marc Jacobsen comments on the underlying strategic perspectives of Donald Trump’s wish to buy Greenland (in

Donald Trump’s wish to buy Greenland deemed ‘unrealistic’

Marc Jacobsen comments on Trump’s idea to purchase Greenland, stating that the next step for Greenland is more