Has the new Canadian government under Justin Trudeau changed Canada's Arctic policy after being in power for six
As tension rose between Russia and the West in 2014, coast guard cooperation remained unscathed in the
Andreas Østhagen discusses the record breaking transit of a Russian icebreaker over a month after the shipping season
With the Arctic Coast Guard Forum being officially established, questions arise on what exactly the forum aspires to
Andreas Østhagen discusses security concerns between East and West in the Arctic and the region's security-related
Recent hype concerning outright conflict over the Arctic is inaccurate as it does not take into account the differing
Although the European Union keeps on looking North, open questions remain to be unanswered, especially regarding the
Ever been to the High North Dialogue Conference in Bodø, Norway? If not, read our conference report from the 2015
Striking the right balance on coast guards fleet structure, investments and presence is no easy task for Arctic coastal