Good stories are powerful. The narratives that stories tell build and legitimize a specific vision or voice just as they silence and marginalize others. They delineate a particular cast of characters, frame which issues are perceived as problems, and suggest a range of options for dealing with these challenges. The objective of this breakout session is to cast light on the stories we tell about the Arctic. Which stories get told and why? Who is narrating them? What perspectives are missing from these narratives? And, ultimately, what are the implications? To engage with these questions, this breakout session brings together a diverse array of up-and-coming scholars who will each tackle one of the many stories we tell about the Arctic in varied mediums, using images, words, video, sound, and news media assets.
Join members of The Arctic Institute at this unique breakout-session at the Arctic Circle Conference 2019. Download the full program here.
Moderator: Lillian Hussong, PhD candidate, Rutgers University; Research Intern, The Arctic Institute